About NC Pre-K
The NC Pre-K Program is administered at the state level by the NC Department of Health and Human Services under the Division of Child Development and Early Education, Early Education Unit (DCDEE). WCSS administers the Pre-K program in Wake County.
Children served by Wake Pre-K attend a full school day, full school year program that meets high-quality state standards. Wake’s Pre-K program is integrated into other early childhood programs in the community. Children participating in these pre-Kindergarten classrooms may be served in the public schools, licensed childcare centers or Head Start programs. WCSS serves as the Wake Pre-K Application Center, coordinating the application and placement process for publicly-funded programs in Wake that serve four-year-olds. These include WCPSS Title 1, Telamon Head Start, and Wake Pre-K.
Click here to learn about NC Pre-K program requirements, NC Child Care Rules and more.
Click here to access important NC Pre- K forms and other documents (NC Pre-K Manual).